Paying homage to Jessi's own personal narrative, the collection name, UN2 is an English-Korean numeronym that draws its etymological inspiration from her 2017 album, "UN2VERSE", a name chosen in part, since, according to Jessi, "The universe is everything, all existing matter, space, and time. The UN2VERSE is my everything."

Sharing the philosophies and core values of MIEUX, Jessi envisioned UN2 to be a curation of garments rooted in her ideologies of quality and perfection. Jessi's vision was brought to fruition with MIEUX playing host as the canvas for Jessi's artistic expression, blending together Jessi's stylistic boldness and MIEUX's contemporary minimalism, culminating in a refined amalgamation of modernism and elegance.

In order to produce a truly premium product, we decided to abandon mass manufacture in countries offering cheap labor, a method commonly adopted by profit hungry conglomerates that produce "disposable" clothing. In concert with Jessi, we sourced the most premium organic fabrics and natural dyes to ensure UN2 materialized into a collection consistent with our ideals of quality and standards of ethics.

Manufactured from start to finish at the hands of the finest artisans in South Korea, using traditional construction techniques that emphasizes fit, form and function, UN2 shatters the misconception that comfort and style are mutually exclusive. Through our pursuit of quality and aesthetics, it is our hope that UN2 will act as a vehicle that conveys our philosophies to you, inspiring you beyond just fashion, reminding you that we can all aim to be the best version of ourselves.

Now, hear from Jessi herself: